Experimental vocalist Martha Skye Murphy's recent offering 'Found Out' was produced by fellow TMR tip Ethan P. Flynn and satisfied us both sonically and philosophically. 'Stuck' is the second outcome of the pair's collaboration and might be our favourite Skye Murphy work to date. Using her voice softly, there's a magical nymph-like quality to the delivery that recalls the enchanted whispers of Björk's Biophilia. Instrumentally sparse for the most part, Flynn fuses hard and soft elements seamlessly, from ethereal flute and harp sounds to hissing electronics and throbbing bass parts. Lyrically, “Stuck explores online relationships." Skye Murphy explains: "I wanted to write a song that was triumphant and uplifting despite its subject matter, like an apology after a fallout; a lizard losing its tail to escape its prey, a euthanasia coaster… to create the feeling of spinning endlessly and the euphoria of dizziness as the subconscious mind anticipates nausea.” Put on your best pair of headphones and lose yourself in this wonderfully immersive piece of music here now. (Photo by Ceidra Moon Murphy) -Holly Mullineaux 
